Electronic vaporizers are electronic cigarettes, which have the appearance, smoke and taste similar to cigarettes. E-cigarettes are free from tar, carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, hydrocyanic acid, acrolein, arsenic, lead, mercury and other harmful substances compared to regular cigarettes, so they are not harmful to smokers. With quality as the core and innovation as the impetus for development, Jirui Technology E-Cigarette under Bolton brings consumers at home and abroad the enjoyment of the pure fragrance of nature sublimated into mist.Disposable e-cigaretteIncluding disposable cigars, disposable imitation cigarettesNo need to charge, no need to replace cigarette cartridge, fully enclosed design, cigarette liquid capacity can reach more than 5-8 times of the rechargeable e-cigarette, disposable e-cigarette independently developed and designed by Jirui has been optimized and improved on the battery, the service life can be equivalent to 40 ordinary cigarettes.Two-stage multiple (rech...